aomidori biocontrol

Funnel Trap

Trampas y accesorios
Trap for capturing lepidopterans (moths), both for monitoring and mass trapping.
Two-body trap, with a funnel-type entrance, which facilitates the entry of moths and prevents them from escaping.
Equipped with a little roof and a basket for the pheromone (pheromones not included).
Available in two versions:
- Tree version, equipped with a hook to hang it.
- Ground version, for non-tree crops, to insert a cane or support (not included).
Pest monitoring is essential in Integrated Pest Control programs (IPM) and helps us to determine the optimal time to carry out phytosanitary treatments and avoid unnecessary treatments.
Compatible with integrated and organic production
logo aomibio
Weather resistant plastic material
Available colours:
Instructions for use:
To be used with the specific pheromone of the species to be monitored or controlled.
The timing and manner of use will depend on the nature of the pest and the crop.
Polillero - Trampa funnel
Funnel trap
Apto para agricultura ecológica
Suitable for organic farming
Control integrado de plagas
Integrated pest control