aomidori biocontrol

Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

Trampeo de coleópteros
Reference: RHFE700VH
Pheromone for the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus
Aggregation pheromone diffuser for monitoring and mass trapping (population control).
4-Methyl-5-nonanol / 4-Methyl-5-nonanone, 700 mg.
Vapor diffuser - VP
- Attracts both males and females.
- Suitable for monitoring and mass trapping.
- Large capacity and long duration in the field.
- Long distance attraction.
- Effective to reduce and control populations.
Compatible with integrated and organic production
logo aomibio
Affected crops:
Palmaceae, especially Canary palm (Phoenix canariensis) and date palm Phoenix dactylifera
Recommended traps:
Bucket trap
Monitoring: 1 trap for 3-4 ha Mass trapping: 4-6 traps/ha in squares separated about 50 meters . When the palm trees are aligned, install 1 trap every 50 m.
When to use:
Throughout the year.
Countryside duration:
2-3 months depending on environmental conditions
Security term:
Does not apply
Other indications:
Place pieces of food as an attractant at the bottom of the trap, for example pieces of palm, dates or sugar cane and a little water.
It is recommended to use together with the kairomone RHKA015PE
Heat-sealed aluminium envelopes.
1/10/20 units/sachet
Control integrado de plagas
Integrated pest control
Apto para agricultura ecológica
Suitable for organic farming
Trampa tipo Bucket
Bucket Trap
Conservar en nevera
Store in refrigerator