Pheromone for the lined click beetle.Agriotes lineatus
Aggregation pheromone diffuser for monitoring and mass trapping (population control).
Geranyl octanoate
Vapor diffuser - VP
- Attracts both males and females.
- Suitable for monitoring and mass trapping.
- Large capacity and long duration in the field.
- Long distance attraction.
- Effective to reduce and control populations.
Compatible with integrated and organic production
Affected crops:
Polyphagous, it feeds on numerous agricultural crops (corn, cereals, tomatoes, sunflowers...) with a preference for tubers, especially potatoes, carrots, beets.
Recommended traps:
Pitfail type Trap
Bucket trap
Monitoring: 1 trap for 3-4 ha
Mass trapping: 4-6 traps/ha in squares separated about 50 meters . When the palm trees are aligned, install 1 trap every 50 m.
When to use:
Install 1-2 weeks before the start of the crop. Maintain throughout the crop until after harvest.